The section for EHVS partner companies
Företagsgruppen is a part of EHVS Business committee (Näringslivsutskottet, NU) and works as a link between EHVS’ members and the business community. Företagsgruppen is responsible for handling the ongoing contact with EHVS business partners, making sure that they get exposure on campus and organize activities that enhances the relationship between students and our partners. Företagsgruppen consist of a chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and a key account manager for each business partner.
Företagsgruppen takes pride in offering EHVS members quality time with EHVS business partners. Together with our business partners we arrange evenings where we serve food, drinks and an opportunity to get to know representatives from the business community. Do you want the opportunity to connect with people within business and ask the questions you have always wanted directly to the companies? Then you should participate in our activities throughout the year!
Are you interested in being a part of Företagsgruppen? Do you enjoy networking with the business community? Take the chance to talk to some of our current members of Företagsgruppen for more information of how you can be a part of what EHVS, NU and Företagsgruppen offers.
Facebook: facebook.com/Foretagsgruppen.EHVS/
Instagram: instagram.com/foretagsgruppenehvs/
Linn Franzén
President of Företagsgruppen
Phone: 072-729 12 46
Mail: foretagsgruppen@ehvs.nu
Caroline Lindblad
Vice president of Företagsgruppen
Phone: 076-868 67 43